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Archive for the ‘Process & Techniques’ Category

Work In Progress… (Sort of)

Monday, September 14th, 2020

Here’s some in-progress art!

I started this piece a few months back but it got put on hold while I worked on Books Of Magic.

I need a new convention banner, so this started out with that in mind but I expanded the canvas dimensions so it could do double duty as a print for the next Kickstarter campaign or an eventual cover.

With conventions on hold, the urgency of finishing disappeared so the piece is also on hold for the moment. I’ll finish it eventually, but I’ve got other things I want to get done first.

I’m not ready to show anything from the short story I’m inking right now so, here’s something to look at in the meantime!

Finished Inks!

Monday, June 4th, 2018

And… here are the finished inks to the last story in my upcoming Anthology “The Turning & Other Stories”, collecting my short stories from Mythography and The Forbidden Book among a few unpublished stories from the same era.

Work In Progress – Pencils!

Thursday, April 5th, 2018

I started this “Story” a ridiculously long time ago.

It was initially started for Mythography #3 as a 3 page story/vignette.  Editor Michael Cohen had a 3 page opening, but after penciling and partially inking 2 pages I soon realized the “story” wasn’t going to fit in the allotted 3 pages so I scrapped it and sent in 3 pin-ups instead.

A couple years later I pulled out the 2 unfinished pages and light tabled them to new paper so I could start fresh but again dropped it when I realized I didn’t have the layouts for the original third page.

During my hunt for old short stories and pin-ups I ran across the story again and thought it would be fun to finally finish it, given that I’m putting together a collection of my short stories from those years. I also found the layout/rough pencils to the original third page this time around.

So, I imported the story into Clip Studio, cut the layouts to page 3 up to expand it to 4 pages to get the story to fit, and started re-pencilling everything digitally.

I’m probably going to tighten up a few details before starting to ink, but this is usually as far as I go with pencils.



I’ll post the final inks once they are done!

Old Ideas & New Art

Friday, March 23rd, 2018

I’ve been on a pin-up kick since finishing up and getting Wahoo Morris Book 2 printed.

The impetus started as an exercise in staying busy while sick with the flu, then it just became an exercise in fun while playing around with some styles I haven’t tackled in a while.

Continuing the theme of my last post, all of the pieces I have been working on have been finishing up earlier ideas and sketches.

The following three pin-ups (now finished) were all rough sketches that I was going to include as-is in my upcoming art book. While I was on the kick I figured why not finish them off.

Now that they are done I thought it might be interesting to show what the old pieces looked like before “finishing” them!

The Conan and John Carter sketches date back to 2010 when I was attempting to follow along with the ComicTwart sketch blog and was actively keeping a digital sketchbook.

The Tarzan/La of Opar piece was on the back of a location design from one of the animation studios I worked at in the early aughts, so it is the oldest unfinished idea I’ve used.

I have dozens of similar pin-up ‘ideas’ scribbled on layouts and in workbooks going back to the beginning of my career, so I could keep this process up for months, but I think it’s time to get back to some sequential story pages.

Whether I continue/finish any of the partially done stories in my archives, or start something brand new is a decision I’ll probably wait to make until Monday morning!

Loose Ends!

Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

I went down a bit of a rabbit-hole lately, going through my stacks and stacks of old comic art and stories going back to my earliest months in High School. I was looking for stories and art to include in pdf anthologies I was putting together as bonus rewards for the Wahoo Morris Kickstarter.

One thing that struck me during the process was how prolific and full of ideas I was at a younger age. I would start multiple stories at the same time, finishing some, abandoning others.

The better I got, and the more ambitious I got, the greater the tendency to abandon a project and start over from scratch or move on.

Honestly, that didn’t change much as I turned pro, except that I’ve never had problems finishing if there is an outside influence, like a deadline or paycheck!

And I no longer start the same idea over from scratch again and again.

But my archives are full of half-done or briefly sketched out ideas for short stories and pin-ups I never quite got around to finishing.

Though, lately, I seem to have reversed my inclinations.

I’ve been stalled out on starting something new for ages. And the ideas just are not flowing.

But, after a slow startup, I seem to find it easy to finish off old loose ends.

I’ve been sick this week, and unable to concentrate through the fog and fever, I’ve tried to keep productive with some busy work.

I started by fleshing out my sketch for the back-cover portion of an intended wraparound cover to Sîan #1 and then picking away at the inks until it was completed. This one has been on the to-do list for awhile as one of my next to-be-published projects is a full-colour single issue of Sîan. Drawing a billion coins on the floor of a treasure vault was a little challenging while dizzy with a fever!

I then pulled out a sketch I had started as a potential cover to a planned pin-up/art book before changing my mind and abandoning it. I originally started drawing it last fall, so it’s not that old of a project, but it was based on a doodle I made on the back of a Katie & Orbie location design from around 15 years ago! I finished penciling it, then inked it, and will probably end up using it as the back cover to that proposed book.

Then, wanting to keep busy, I pulled out this abandoned pin-up I started over 10 years ago for an Edgar Rice Burroughs Fanzine a colleague was involved in at the time. It was of a scene from the novel the Cave Girl, and I was trying to do my best J. Allen St. John impersonation!

Deadlines got in the way and it sat unfinished until now.

I imported it into Clip Studio yesterday and inked it from scratch just for the hell of it. It really has no purpose, but it can replace the pencil and partially inked version that was going to go in the Art Book.

And to keep the momentum going, today, I pulled out 3 other old pin-up sketches and started fleshing them out as well as pulling out a 3 page story I started in 1997 that was supposed to be my first submission to Mythography but was abandoned when I couldn’t shoe-horn the plot into the allotted 3 pages. If I can flesh it out to 4 pages, then the planned anthology book of my Mythography and Forbidden Book stories will be a few pages longer.

And maybe, just maybe, getting a bunch of finished art done in a short period of time just might start to knock loose some of those mental blocks that are still getting in the way of the new ideas starting to flow again!