craigtaillefer.comThe Official Blog of Craig A. Taillefer: News, Art, Comics, Music, Ramblings, and more!


So I got hacked a couple of weeks ago.

After my host resolved the issue they recommended I update my WordPress install to the latest version to boost up security. So, I upgraded, only to find that my servers database won’t support the new version of WordPress. My service package is now on a “Legacy server” which my host isn’t bothering to upgrade, so if I want to upgrade WordPress I have to subscribe to a new more expensive package. Oh joy.

The long story even longer, is that to upgrade WordPress I had to turn off all plug-ins including my spam filter plug-in. By the time I’d decided to re-install the older version of WordPress and was able to get back into my control panel I had well over 800 pages of spam comments and counting. I spent about 2 hours clicking on the “select all comments” button then the “mark as spam” button. By the time I was nearing the end I was a little punch drunk and I accidentally selected a bunch of legitimate comments and deleted them with the spam. Oops!

Anyhoo, if your comment was one of the ones deleted, my apologies.

I’m trying to keep on top of the robot spam going forward so I won’t accidently delete real comments in a batch frenzy.

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